Frankly, I NEED your assistance! Here’s how and why:
Although The Un-Cookbook is already available through many traditional sales channels such as your local bookstore or online through Amazon, Kindle, Googlebooks amongst many others, we realize that in today’s connected world, many would prefer to receive the book in an unrestricted digital format such as pdf. Although many books, including our own, are already available in various digital formats, there are often several obstacles that must be overcome before the reader can get maximum portability from their purchase. Often, you need special software to read a specific format (ePub, Kindle etc.) and you are unable to easily move the product between platforms or devices. That is why we chose the pdf format! It is available on all operating systems and device types. In addition, the file itself can be easily transported and imported.
In the past, when using a recipe in the kitchen, you first had to locate the appropriate book, recipe card or scrap of paper and then somehow prop it up in view so you could follow the instructions as you worked. I would be prepared to bet that many of your favourites are splattered, bent, dog-eared and generally worse for wear. Now, you can carry our Un-Cookbook on your smartphone, netbook, laptop, tablet or any other device. It is always at your fingertips and can be searched instantly for that recipe or cooking hint or tip.
As you can see from the above reprint of the cover, a prospective purchaser or reader cannot really get a good feel for the contents of the book. For this reason we have produced a full introduction to The Un-Cookbook here. However, we are still missing some critical elements to make our sales page. We still need some reader reviews. This is where you come in!
I am going to shamelessly bribe you to help me out. First, I am going to offer you a copy of the Un-Cookbook at a ridiculously low price. Until February 14th, 2012, I am going to change the normal low price of $11.95 right down to $6.95. This reduction will NOT be advertised on the actual product page, so you will only see it on the order form after you hit the ‘buy’ button.
After you have had a chance to read and experiment with our book, I am going to ask you to write a review of the product in the comments section of the Un-Cookbook page.
For every one who submits a review, I will send you a copy of our latest product offering: Valentine’s Day Recipes, currently selling for $14.95, absolutely FREE and just in time for Valentine’s day. It will help you to score brownie points with your loved-one. You could simply give it to him/her as a gift or better still, make a special Valentine’s Day meal from its pages and REALLY impress!
Furthermore, should I decide to incorporate your review, or any part thereof, into the sales page, I will send you a personally-signed, hardcover edition of The Un-Cookbook completely free of charge. Even an unsigned copy is priced at $31.95 but one with an inscription from Canada’s Un-Chef could become priceless 😉
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