Airline food from Swissair – A Flight of Fancy?

Swissair-Airline Food For those of you that may have flown with Wardair back in the day, you may well believe, as I did until recently that the days of even passable airline food in economy class were long gone! That all changed when we recently flew with Swissair from Montreal to Geneva (return).

There were several things notable about the airline food in particular and the service in general with Swissair:

  1. Drinks and food were served concurrently, so there was no extended wait between the 2 and those who wished to sleep could do so relatively quickly after take-off.
  2. Our food was not served from cheap styrofoam or plastic containers but rather from melamine or something similar and REAL metal cutlery was offered, (and no-one attempted to hijack the plane with a dinner knife).
  3. It appeared that a real recycling effort was being made. Instead of throwing all waste together in large garbage bags as is the norm with many other carriers, Swissair had their flight attendants sort and stack similar items of refuse.

Airline Food - Chicken-Red cabbage-potato dumplingsHowever, it was the food on the return flight that really was impressive. As you can see from the image above, Swissair decided to show its Germanic roots with red cabbage and potato dumplings to accompany the requisite chicken dish. The only slight negative was that they used a plastic glass for the wine which unlike all the other items will not be reused. The meal was at tasty as it looks.

Airline Food - Cheese Tartlet - Swiss Chocolate Ice CreamOur second treat was the snack that they served 1.5 hours before landing. This time they paired a warm, gooey and flaky cheese tartlet with Mövenpick Swiss chocolate ice cream.
The final touch is that where many airlines offer candies to suck on take-off and landing to help even out pressure in one’s ears, Swissair offers Swiss chocolate. We look forward to flying Swiss in the future.

If you would like to know what other airline food is worth eating, check out  CNTraveler. There is even a magazine devoted to letting you know all about airline haute cuisine


1 comment

    • Missy Hopkins on June 6, 2017 at 9:48 pm
    • Reply

    Swissair seems like it might be one of the better ones. Certainly better than United!!

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